6 Hobbies For Burnt Out Students

You might be thinking, who has time for hobbies amidst all the schoolwork, chores, Netflix, and social media? I get it. I was there too, buried in studies and work until I hit rock-bottom burnout.

That’s when I realized the importance of hobbies in recharging our mental and physical batteries. Today, I’m sharing a system I developed to pick hobbies that revitalized me and added joy back into my life.

These are what I call high-value hobbies, offering maximum returns on your investment of time and money.

But, What’s A Hobby?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, it’s an activity done in leisure time for pleasure. Essentially, it’s something you do just for you, with no pressure or stakes involved.

Now, why should you bother with hobbies? I used to believe they were a waste of time, especially during my school years.

Turns out, hobbies are vital for mental health, happiness, and even professional success. Studies from Harvard and Johns Hopkins show that hobbies improve health, boost happiness, and may even enhance academic or professional performance. Turns out, Nobel Prize winners are often hobby enthusiasts.

So, how do you choose the right hobby? With countless lists of “top hobbies” out there, it’s important to focus on what I call high-value hobbies.

These are activities that offer benefits across four key areas: physical, mental/intellectual, social, and creative. Think of them as activities that give you a well-rounded boost in multiple areas of life.

1. Cooking:

Cooking isn’t just about preparing meals—it’s a way to unwind and challenge your focus while exploring countless recipes.

It’s a creative outlet where you can experiment with new dishes and share your culinary creations with friends and family.

Cooking also becomes a social activity through classes, group cooking sessions, or hosting dinner parties featuring your homemade dishes.

2. Music:

Personally, I enjoy singing because it instantly relaxes me and boosts my mood. Making music releases endorphins, chemicals that bring feelings of joy and block stress and pain.

Learning music, whether reading notes or memorizing songs, enhances memory and cognitive skills.

Music is also a creative pursuit where you can share your talent with others through performances or join groups like bands, orchestras, or choirs for social connections.

3. Horse Riding:

Recently, I’ve taken up horse riding, which has quickly become a favorite pastime. It’s not just therapeutic and relaxing; it also challenges me mentally as I learn to ride and care for horses.

It’s physically demanding as well, which keeps me fit. Plus, it’s a social activity where I interact with others at the stables or during group lessons and trail rides.

4. Arts and Crafts:

Engaging in arts and crafts isn’t just a way to relax and improve mental focus. It’s a creative journey where you can explore different techniques and express yourself.

Painting, knitting, or pottery; activities provide a sense of accomplishment and allow you to share your creations with others.

Joining art clubs or workshops also turns these hobbies into social experiences where you can learn from and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

Certainly! Here are the rewritten versions of the original excerpts for the next two hobbies:

5. Gardening:

Getting into gardening can be surprisingly physical. I discovered this firsthand while helping my mom dig holes for her plants and feeling the soreness the next day.

Beyond the physical aspect, gardening is incredibly calming and brings you close to nature. It’s a creative endeavor where designing a garden layout or experimenting with soil improvements becomes a form of artistic expression.

Best of all, you start from seeds and watch your efforts bloom, sharing the literal fruits of your labor with others.

6. Recreational Sports:

Recreational sports, whether it’s tennis, pickleball, golf, running, or skiing, offer more than just physical fitness benefits—they’re essential for maintaining health and energy levels, especially if you spend long hours studying or sitting at work.

Engaging in sports releases endorphins that enhance mental well-being and help clear the mind from daily stresses.

It’s a social activity too, where joining local clubs or leagues connects you with like-minded individuals, fostering friendships and a sense of community around shared interests.

Hobbies aren’t just pastimes; they’re vital for mental and physical well-being.

From cooking and music to gardening and recreational sports, each activity offers unique benefits. It’s relaxation, creativity, social connection, or physical fitness.

Embracing hobbies enriches life, providing a necessary balance amidst daily routines and challenges.

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